Sep 8, 2021
For this episode, I’m taking the reins, like ya do, from my colleague Jec, to talk with Daniel Dauphin. Dauphin is a Louisiana horseman who lives about halfway between Houston and New Orleans.
He has an engaging website that caught my attention for the depth of information he puts out there. Most specifically, he’s written a treatise on bits. Actually, it is manifested in video, in his More Than A Bit…’of Information DVD and download. It’s informative, well-researched, and funny. Not often folks manage that trifecta.
Thankfully, he told me, and in case you were wondering, Hurricane Ida blew East of his area. I hope you enjoy the conversation.
We thank Pharm Aloe Equine and Lucerne Farms for their support. Pharm Aloe offers aloe pellets and gel and other products to support horses’ GI health, immune system, and other processes. They have profiles of the quality of their products on their website, so check that out at Pharm Aloe Equine. That’s Pharm with a ph.
Lucerne Farms is a forage company based in Northern Maine. This summer, are you traveling – maybe going horse camping or heading to a competition, Lucerne bales, wrapped in plastic, are pretty much perfect for being on the road with horses. Check out their blends and distribution at Or Find Lucerne Farms at your feedstore and ask for it by name.
You can also find links to all our sponsors here.
Do you have a suggestion for our podcast? Got something you want to get off you’re your chest? Let us know! As always, we would love to hear from you.
We would like to thank Redmond Equine, Kate’s Real Food and Patagonia WorkWear for their continued support. Buy some rocks from Redmond, check out the new flavor at Kate’s and check out the WorkWear sales. Please follow these brands and buy their stuff as they support us and what we’re doing. This month, we’re giving away a Patagonia WorkWear item to two lucky listeners. Check it out here.