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Best Horse Practices Podcast

Aug 30, 2023

We offer these shows for free. If you think it’s worthy of a small contribution, we sure would appreciate it.

This is Episode 7 of Season 4, and in it, Jec talks with Trish Lemke, a Colorado horsewoman who leads amazing horse-riding trips across the globe and is a certified Equine Interactional Professional in...

Aug 21, 2023

We offer these shows for free. If you think it’s worthy of a small contribution, we sure would appreciate it.

This is Episode 6 of Season 4, and in it, Jec talks with Kerry O’Brien, a Colorado trainer who is competing in the Meeker Mustang Makeover.

Kerry has been on the show before in which she talks about using

Aug 16, 2023

Our show is a space for riders and horse owners of all disciplines to learn best practices and to discover skills, strategies, tools, ideas, and insights for better connecting with their horses, with all horses and for getting work done.

We love to hear from listeners and often incorporate listener questions or...

Aug 9, 2023

We offer these shows for free. If you think it’s worthy of a small contribution, we sure would appreciate it.

This is Episode 4 of Season 4, and in it, I talk with Pete Reinholz. Maybe this is a departure of sorts. Pete does not have a website or a book or anything to sell. He does write songs. He sings and plays...

Aug 2, 2023

We love to hear from listeners and often incorporate listener questions or suggestions for topics and guests into our podcast. So, let us hear from you. Contacting us is easy here

We offer these shows for free. If you think it’s worthy of a small contribution, we sure would appreciate it.

Hey, it’s hot out...